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News and events / RCPA – Pathology Terminology and Information Models 30 November 2024 release note

RCPA – Pathology Terminology and Information Models 30 November 2024 release note

Release summary: RCPA – Pathology Terminology and Information Models v20241130

This end product contains terminology and information model resources, developed and owned by the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA).[1]

These resources have been developed as part of the National Pathology Terminology and Information Standardisation Plan. More information about development and reviews can be accessed on the RCPA website.

Please note: these resources are now labelled as SPIA (Standards for Pathology Informatics in Australia), having previously been known as APUTS (Australian Pathology Units and Terminology Standards).


The Australian Digital Health Agency (the Agency) provides the information in this release note (“Information”) available in good faith but on an “as is” basis without any representation or warranty as to its accuracy or completeness. The Agency also makes this end product (“Product”) available in accordance with the RCPA Pathology Terminology and Information Models Terms of Use v1.0, which can be found in the same package where you downloaded this release note. The Agency does not accept any responsibility and, to the extent permitted by law, excludes all liability in connection with any use or inability to use the Information or the Product. As the Information or Product is of a general nature only, it is up to any person using or wishing to use the Information or Product to ensure that they are accurate, complete and suitable for the circumstances of their use.

[1] The copyright for the terminology and information model resources is owned by The Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA).


The audience for this end product includes those involved in pathology informatics standards development, and the implementation of standards related to terminology, information and units by pathology practices and their customers.

Release rationale

This package contains an updated version of the Requesting Pathology Terminology Reference Set.
This release includes:

NewDH-4040:2024RCPA SPIA Requesting Pathology Terminology September 2024Provides a set of terms for requesting pathology in Australia, along with their associated SNOMED CT codes. It is intended to provide a request terminology reference set for the most commonly requested terms used in both public and private practice.
UpdatedDH-4012:2024RCPA SPIA Requesting Pathology Terminology Reference Set July 2024Provides a set of terms for requesting pathology in Australia, along with their associated SNOMED CT codes. It is intended to provide a request terminology reference set for the most commonly requested terms used in both public and private practice.
NewDH-3968:2024RCPA SPIA Chemical Pathology Reporting Terminology Reference Set September 2022Provides a set of terms for reporting chemical pathology in Australia, along with their associated codes and preferred units. Specifically, it provides Preferred Terms and units for reporting chemical pathology test results, which can be used in the electronic communication of a pathology report. Additionally, this reference set provides implementation guidance on whether it is safe for tests from different laboratories or from the same laboratory over time to be reported on the same line in a cumulative report or as points in the same line on a graph.
NewDH-4037:2024RCPA SPIA Haematology Transfusion Reporting Terminology Reference Set October 2024Provides a set of terms for reporting haematology in Australia, along with their associated codes and preferred units. Specifically, it provides Preferred Terms and units for reporting haematology test results, which can be used in the electronic communication of a pathology report.
NewDH-4038:2024RCPA SPIA Immunopathology Reporting Terminology Reference Set September 2024Provides a set of terms for reporting immunopathology in Australia, along with their associated codes and preferred units. Specifically, it provides Preferred Terms and units for reporting immunopathology test results, which can be used in the electronic communication of a pathology report.
No ChangeDH-3979:2024RCPA SPIA Requesting Pathology Terminology Reference Set August 2022Provides a set of terms for requesting pathology in Australia, along with their associated SNOMED CT codes. It is intended to provide a request terminology reference set for the most commonly requested terms used in both public and private practice.
No ChangeDH-3971:2024RCPA SPIA Blood Gases Terminology Reference Set August 2022Provides a set of terms for requesting and reporting blood gases in Australia, along with their associated codes. Specifically, it provides terms for requesting and reporting blood gases from 8 different specimens, which can be used in the electronic communication of a pathology report.
No ChangeDH-3960:2024RCPA SPIA Cervical Cancer FHIR mapping August 2022Provides a set of terms for reporting Cervical cancer in Australia, along with their associated codes. Specifically, it provides a structured report model and Preferred Terms for surgical pathology reporting, which can be used in the electronic communication of a pathology report.
No Change
RCPA SPIA Chemical Pathology Harmonised Reference Intervals tables August 2024Provides a list of Harmonised Reference intervals (HRI) for 18 common chemical pathology analytes with separate ranges applied to paediatric and adult samples. The HRIs were developed to reduce confusion surrounding inconsistencies associated with flagging of abnormal results and the comparison of results from various laboratories within Australia. The HRI can be used in the electronic communication of a pathology report.
No ChangeDH-3961:2024RCPA SPIA Colorectal Cancer FHIR mapping August 2022Provides a set of terms for reporting Colorectal cancer in Australia, along with their associated codes. Specifically, it provides a structured report model and Preferred Terms for surgical pathology reporting, which can be used in the electronic communication of a pathology report.
No ChangeDH-3980:2024RCPA SPIA Cytopathology Information Model Terminology August 2022Provides a set of terms for reporting cytopathology in Australia, along with their associated codes. Specifically, it provides a structured report model and Preferred Terms for reporting cytopathology test results, which can be used in the electronic communication of a pathology report.
No ChangeDH-3962:2024RCPA SPIA Endometrial Cancer FHIR mapping August 2022Provides a set of terms for reporting Endometrial cancer in Australia, along with their associated codes. Specifically, it provides a structured report model and Preferred Terms for surgical pathology reporting, which can be used in the electronic communication of a pathology report.
No ChangeDH-3970:2024RCPA SPIA Gastric Cancer Report Information Model Terminology August 2022Provides a set of terms for gastric cancer reporting in Australia, along with their associated codes. Specifically, it provides a structured report model and Preferred Terms for reporting on gastric cancer, which can be used in the electronic communication of a pathology report.
No ChangeDH-3963:2024RCPA SPIA Generic Surgical Pathology Report Information Model Terminology August 2022Provides a set of terms for reporting surgical pathology in Australia, along with their associated codes. Specifically, it provides a structured report model and Preferred Terms for surgical pathology reporting, which can be used in the electronic communication of a pathology report.
No ChangeDH-3977:2024RCPA SPIA Genetic Pathology Information Model Terminology August 2022Provides a set of terms for genetic reporting in Australia, along with their associated codes. Specifically, it provides a structured report model and Preferred Terms for reporting genetics, which can be used in the electronic communication of a pathology report.
No ChangeDH-4013:2024RCPA SPIA Haematology Transfusion Reporting Terminology Reference Set July 2024Provides a set of terms for reporting haematology in Australia, along with their associated codes and preferred units. Specifically, it provides Preferred Terms and units for reporting haematology test results, which can be used in the electronic communication of a pathology report.
No ChangeDH-3974:2024RCPA SPIA Microbiology Serology Molecular Reporting Terminology Reference Set August 2022Provides a set of terms for reporting microbiology serology and molecular tests in Australia, along with their associated codes and preferred units. Specifically, it provides Preferred Terms and units for reporting microbiology serology and molecular test results, which can be used in the electronic communication of a pathology report.
No ChangeDH-3978:2024RCPA SPIA Microbiology Subset of Organisms August 2022Provides a set of terms for reporting microbiology organisms in Australia, along with their associated SNOMED CT codes. Specifically, it provides Preferred Terms for reporting microbiology test results, which can be used in the electronic communication of a pathology report.
No ChangeDH-3965:2024RCPA SPIA Ovary Fallopian Tube Cancer FHIR mapping August 2022Provides a set of terms for reporting Ovarian or Fallopian tube cancer in Australia, along with their associated codes. Specifically, it provides a structured report model and Preferred Terms for surgical pathology reporting, which can be used in the electronic communication of a pathology report.
No ChangeDH-3964:2024RCPA SPIA Polypectomy FHIR mapping August 2022Provides a set of terms for reporting Polypectomies in Australia, along with their associated codes. Specifically, it provides a structured report model and Preferred Terms for surgical pathology reporting, which can be used in the electronic communication of a pathology report.
No ChangeDH-3959:2024RCPA SPIA Preferred Units Table August 2022Provides a list of preferred units and UCUM terms used commonly in pathology reporting. It was created to provide a convenient file of preferred units to assist with implementations.
No ChangeDH-3966:2024RCPA SPIA Prostate Cancer Radical Information Model Terminology August 2022Provides a set of terms for prostate cancer (radical prostatectomy) reporting in Australia, along with their associated codes. Specifically, it provides a structured report model and Preferred Terms for reporting on prostate cancer (radical prostatectomy), which can be used in the electronic communication of a pathology report.
No ChangeDH-3958:2024RCPA SPIA Reporting Pathology Terminology Reference Set August 2022Provides a set of terms for reporting pathology in Australia, along with their associated LOINC codes. It is intended to provide a reporting terminology reference set for the most commonly requested terms used in both public and private practice.
No ChangeDH-3976:2024RCPA SPIA Requesting Allergens Terminology Reference Set August 2022Provides a set of terms for requesting allergens in Australia, along with their associated SNOMED CT codes. It is intended to enable the requesting of the majority of allergens commonly found in Australia, with the specific terms and codes enhancing the context of information provided to laboratory staff and clinicians.
No ChangeDH-3967:2024RCPA SPIA Thyroid Cytology Information Model Terminology August 2022Provides a mindmap overview of the RCPA model for reporting the results of thyroid cytology investigations. It details the relevant data elements and their LOINC codes to be used, along with any specific result codes.
No ChangeDH-3975:2024RCPA SPIA Urine Microbiology Information Model Terminology and Salmonella Information Model Terminology August 2022Provides a mindmap overview of the RCPA model for microbiology reports where salmonella is identified, including referral to reference laboratory, and notifications to public health registries. This also contains a mindmap overview of the RCPA model for reporting the results of Urine microscopy, culture and sensitivities. It details the relevant data elements and their LOINC codes to be used, along with any specific result codes.
No ChangeDH-2371:2016NEHTA – RCPA Pathology Terminology and Information Models Terms of Use v1.0Contains the Terms of Use for users downloading the RCPA Pathology Terminology and Information Models.

Recommended reading

The NCTS document library provides an extensive list of introductory and technical documentation to support your use of terminology products and tools. You can find out more by visiting Learn on our website.

Key guidance includes:

  • Introduction to SNOMED CT-AU presentation and webinar
  • SNOMED CT‑AU Australian Technical Implementation Guide
  • SNOMED CT Starter Guide (SNOMED International)
  • SNOMED CT Technical Implementation Guide (SNOMED International)

Additional documentation specifically supporting the use of these terminology sets can be found in the following locations:

SPIA Document Library

  • SPIA Standards for Pathology Informatics in Australia v3.0 (previously known as APUTS Standards and Guidelines).
  • SPIA Terminology and Codes Requesting Pathology
  • SPIA Reporting Terminology and Codes Anatomical Pathology
  • SPIA Reporting Terminology and Codes Chemical Pathology
  • SPIA Reporting Terminology and Codes Cytopathology
  • SPIA Reporting Terminology and Codes Genetic Pathology
  • SPIA Reporting Terminology and Codes Haematology
  • SPIA Reporting Terminology and Codes Immunopathology
  • SPIA Reporting Terminology and Codes Microbiology

LOINC Document Library

  • LOINC User’s Guide
  • RELMA Manual

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