Getting started
Get started with your SNOMED CT-AU implementation
The conditions by which SNOMED CT and Australian National Terminology can be used.
Implementation: what’s involved
A checklist for implementing SNOMED CT-AU in clinical software.
Technical approaches
Choose the most suitable technology for your requirements and use cases.
Terminology as a service
Delegate terminology operations to the National Clinical Terminology Service (NCTS).
Native SNOMED CT RF2 files
Harness the full power of SNOMED CT with flexible data extraction.
File types and subsets
We publish many formats to support a broad range of users.
Mapping considerations
Many implementers may develop and use maps to SNOMED CT.
Community of practice
Help shape the development and use of clinical terminologies in Australia.
Contact and support
Contact the NCTS for more information.
SNOMED CT Starter Guide
A practical starting point from which anyone with a general interest in healthcare information can begin learning about SNOMED CT.
Published by SNOMED International.
Vendor Introduction to SNOMED CT
A practical introduction to SNOMED CT focused primarily on the needs of vendors and developers of EHRs and other related applications in healthcare information technology.
Published by SNOMED International.