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This section provides links to miscellaneous artefacts that may be relevant to your implementation and integration with NCTS products.

You must be logged in to download.

Important file import instructions: If you have configured Microsoft Excel to automatically open CSV files, it will assume certain field types to be General or Whole Number and the identifiers and some text may be displayed incorrectly resulting in concept ID errors and strange characters for words with accents (e.g. Ménière’s Diseases).

To avoid this, users should first open Excel, and import the file (not simply open), specify the File Origin field as ‘Unicode (UTF-8)’, Delimiter field as ‘Comma’, then select Transform Data and highlight each column (don’t forget to scroll right) and ensure all term description and ID columns are set with Data Type as ‘Text’.


This report contains changes to the SNOMED CT-AU (including the AMT) monthly release compared with the previous release.

  • lists new and retired concepts, along with their preferred terms;
  • lists retired or changed concepts, reasons for the change, and suggested replacements.

Rows in these files can represent either active or inactive content. The CSV format forgoes the SNOMED CT RF2 structure to provide a human readable delta file. They include SNOMED CT identifiers, Australian preferred terms, and semantic tags.

You can filter on content of interest using the semantic tag, status, and the content type columns.


Feedback on SNOMED CT-AU Change Report widget is welcome via NCTS Support.

ADHA SNOMED Bundle Downloads go here.

Australian Medicines Terminology, CSV, TSV

This Comma Separated Values (CSV) and Tab Separated Values (TSV) file contains columns for SNOMED CT identifiers and the preferred terms of all 7 notable concept classes in AMT, and rows for every active product in AMT.

See Important file import instructions above.

ADHA SNOMED Bundle Downloads go here.